Info on regular characters
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Kaycee Jones Kaycee is a first year cadet at Magellan Justice Academy. Abilities: no enhanced abilities although she is highly athletic, possesses above average intelligence and is well versed in hand-to-hand and weapons combat. Official status: Probationary Super Agent Ranking 1 [cadet - no access to law enforcement investigations; limited and supervised access to emergency response operations]. Points of interest: Kaycee was saved by the superhero Go!Anna several years ago - and this moment acted as an inspiration and a driving force behind her pursuit of a cadetship at Magellan. Her dogged pursuit of this cadetship has lead some (both within her personal life, and within the faculty and Council of the Academy) to question her motives. [top] |
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Brian Lonsdale Brian is a friend of Kaycee's - and certainly very unhappy about her decision to go to Magellan. Could it be because he has feelings for her that he has difficulty expressing? Maybe, but I'm not saying more at this point because there are some changes in store for Brian... yes indeed! [top] |
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Go!Anna Go!Anna (aka Annie Summers) is a super hero based in Sydney, Australia. Abilities: g-n+ (born genetetically enhanced); extremely agile and flexible; above average reflex and speed responses; can grip to walls and ceilings due to the adhesive nature, strength and length of her fingers and toes; a tail with total flexibility and considerable strength (grows back if severed). Affiliations: graduate of Magellan Justice Academy. Currently teamed with The Wombat-man. Official status: Super Agent Ranking 3 [access to Australian law enforcement investigations and emergency response operations; base-level security protocols only (can be overidden by OzMagellan directive); no jurisdiction or authority to act outside Australia except on Australian Presidential request or invitation from other country's head of state or Magellan unit]. Points of interest: rescued a young Kaycee Jones from psycopath Jacob Manz on one of her first solo missions; changed costume colour when she teamed with The Wombatman; Superagent Ranking under threat due to her affiliation with The Wombatman; civilian identity not public knowledge. [top] |
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The Wombat-man Wombat-man (aka Luke McDonald) is a super hero based in Sydney, Australia. Abilities: g-n+ (born genetetically enhanced); extremely strong - rated as x20; relatively invulnerable - rated as x5; not particularly fast or agile however can generate considerable momentum once up and running - effectively becoming a human battering ram. Short with a very solid, stocky build. Affiliations: Currently teamed with Go!Anna. Official status: Super Agent Ranking 2 [minimal access to Australian law enforcement investigations; open access to emergency response operations; no security clearance; due to some of his methods of criminal apprehension his operation as a Super-Agent has only ever been marginally tolerated by legal institutions. His affiliation with Go!Anna does however give him a degree of credibility he would otherwise lack.] Base of operations: The Burrow - a secret and impenetrable underground bunker located within Sydney docklands. Points of interest: currently out of action due to major, near-fatal injuries received whilst battling the Baxter Gang; gained admission to Magellan Academy but was expelled as a first year cadet; civilian identity not public knowledge; finances his war on crime through reward money and the stock market. [top] |
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Nadine Turner Nadine is a first year cadet at Magellan Justice Academy. Abilities: g-n+ (born genetetically enhanced); speedster - clocked at up to 120 kph although it is expected that this may increase to 180-200 kph with age and training. The speed comes from the strength in her legs and while she can jump considerable distances from a standing position she gains greater height and length with a run up. Her reflexes are above average by a factor of x25 - which is fortunate, since she doesn't possess any notable invulnerbility and a collision with a solid object at her top speeds could significantly injure her. Official status: Probationary Super Agent Ranking 1 [cadet - no access to law enforcement investigations; limited and supervised access to emergency response operations]. Points of interest: Nadine is a New Zealand citizen. She has four sisters who also possess the speedster gene. Nadine is the fastest sibling. [top] |
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Freya Foster Freya (aka Vybe) is Faculty Head for Psychology at Magellan Justice Academy. Abilities: g-n+ (born genetetically enhanced); empath - can not only sense emotions in other people, but can alter ('vybe') them also, very handy for diffusing violent situations. Official status: Super Agent Ranking 4 [full access to law enforcement investigations and emergency response operations in the USA; medium level national security protocols. Jurisdiction and authority to act in most nations.] Points of interest: A reserve member of Force Magellan. Freya finished her Magellan cadetship with top honours in 2003. She stayed at Magellan to further study and teach psychology and to work as a counsellor and negotiator. Freya has just recently been promoted to Faculty Head of Paychology. [top] |
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Tom Bass Tom (aka ThundaKlap) is Faculty Head for Physical Education at Magellan Justice Academy. He is also the Year Master for the first year cadets for 2009. Abilities: g-n+ (born genetetically enhanced); can utter a sound of sonic boom intensity which has the potential to be devestating and lethal depending on intensity and proximity. Tom is also in top physical condition and is a several times black belt master in most martial arts. Official status: Super Agent Ranking 4 [full access to law enforcement investigations and emergency response operations in the UK and Europe; medium level national security protocols. Jurisdiction and authority to act in most nations.] Points of interest: A reserve member of Force Magellan, Tom is keen to become an official, fully fledged member. Tom finished his Magellan cadetship with top honours in 1999. He went on to a three year tour or duty with Euro Magellan following which he returned to Magellan Island to join the Force Reserves and teach at the Academy. He became Faculty Head of Phys Ed in 2008. [top] |
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Mudge Wilson Mudge is a first year cadet at Magellan Justice Academy. Abilities: g-n+ (born genetetically enhanced); tactile psychic - meaning that he can read minds only through physical contact. Unfortunately for him, as is the case with most other tactile psychics, the process is not only involuntary but also causes severe neuralgia. The more painful however the greater the clarity of the reading and in Mudge's case they are extremely painful - prolonged physical contact with a subject can send him into shock and even coma. Ceratin areas of his body are most sensitive to direct skin-to-skin contact, especially his hands and he normally wears gloves. Clothing isn't a barrier to his powers however but it does significantly reduce the intensity of the reading and associated pain. Handling personal items will also give him a reading - generally without pain - although these are without much clarity and depends on how recently and regularly the item was in contact with its owner. An additional aspect to his power, totally unique amongst psychics, is the ability to project images harvested from the mind to the subject being read. These currently appear only as unfocused, flickering monotone holograms that fade quickly. It is suspected that Mudge, with the proper training will be able to by-pass the pain associated with his power and become a powerful psychic... at the moment however, his current physical condition and inherent personality issues, will make this an uphill battle! Official status: Probationary Super Agent Ranking 1 [cadet - no access to law enforcement investigations; limited and supervised access to emergency response operations]. Points of interest: Mudge is mad keen on football (soccer). |
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Justine Kef Justine (aka Redd) is Faculty Head for Security at Magellan Justice Academy - meaning she polices cadet activities as well as teaching defence and security tactics. Abilities: g-n+ (born genetetically enhanced); is considerably strong - rated as x18; not particularly invulnerable - only rated as x2, so needs to be careful when using her strength that she doesn't shatter her bones or rupture internal organs - she wears an exo-skeleton costume to enable her to by-pass most of these issues; fast, agile and highly skilled in martial arts she rarely needs to resort to brute force to win a fight. Official status: Super Agent Ranking 4 [full access to law enforcement investigations and emergency response operations in the USA; medium level national security protocols. Jurisdiction and authority to act in most nations.] Points of interest: A reserve member of Force Magellan. Most people, upon meeting her for the first time, are surprised by her very deep voice. Justine graduated from Magellan in 1998 and, whilst studying, is one of only a few first year cadets to ever be granted private quarters. She spent several years with US-Magellan before a major injury fighting against the man-beast Tycho saw her return to Magellan Island in 2004. After her recovery she joined the Force Reserves and took on teaching Security at the Academy. She became Faculty Head of Security in 2008. [top] |
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Charisma Epoch Charisma is a first year cadet at Magellan Justice Academy. Abilities: g-n+ (born genetetically enhanced); powerhouse - meaning that she has considerable strength (rated x12) and this is expected to increase as she matures, she is also notably invulnerable (rated x5); has the ability of flight (currently clocked at a maximum of 0.45 Mach to a height of 10,000m) and enhanced senses. Her reflexes are not notably enhanced which makes moving at high speeds risky for her at ground level due to the increased likelihood of collisiion with non-invulnerable individuals and structures. Her stamina is not particularly great and her intelligence is only average. Emotionally, she is considered, by Freya Foster, to be under-developed. Official status: Probationary Super Agent Ranking 1 [cadet - no access to law enforcement investigations; limited and supervised access to emergency response operations]. Points of interest: Charisma's father is Epoch (the principle strongman of Force Magellan) her abilities are essentially the same as his, although they are diluted by virtue of her age and the fact her mother was a Norm (ie. no powers). Charisma has led the life of a celebrity child and despite her natural and considerable abilities has only recently decided that, like her father, she too can be a fighter for peace and justice. Whether she still holds this belief once the training gets underway, is yet to be determined. Despite a blossoming potential pop career (three #1 singles) her fragile ego has been stung by critics who suggest her 'fame' is only a by-product of her father's influence. Also, everytime she performed a concert some superpowered villain saw it as an opportunity to attack as a means of taking out retribution against daddy Epoch - essentially putting an end to her concert touring. [top] |
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Maya Applecross Maya is a first year cadet at Magellan Justice Academy. Abilities: g-n+ (born genetetically enhanced); illusionist - meaning she can psychically create illusions and a 'belief system' to go with it (otherwise known as the 'mind mojo'). For example she can make a person believe they are interacting with objects/individuals that did not/ do not/ could not exist. She can influence individuals and crowds, and manipulate their perceptions up to a radius of 10 of so meters - this is expected to increase with training. She cannot (currently) mojo individuals with strong enough psychic defences. Also, the scenarios she creates are limited by her imagination and her ability to concentrate - any illusion lapses as soon as she takes her focus away from it. Tests indicate that she is likely to be able to, one day, create residual illusions - ones that, once established, can remain within another's psyche without her constant focus. Other than that she has no further notable abilities and is in fact very unfit - which, aside from the honing of her illusionist abilities, will be a principle focus of her cadet training. Official status: Probationary Super Agent Ranking 1 [cadet - no access to law enforcement investigations; limited and supervised access to emergency response operations]. Points of interest: Maya has a criminal record for theft. She was apprehended by members of Magellan USA who recognised her potential for rehabilitation and as a fighter for justice rather than as a career criminal. Despite her sponsorship by Magellan USA, a vote by the Magellan Council only narrowly decided to admit Maya into cadetship - and then, only as a means of keeping an eye on the development of her potentially powerful abilities. [top] |
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Rochelle Kwan Rochelle is a first year cadet at Magellan Justice Academy. Abilities: g-n+ (born genetetically enhanced); high intelligence. There is a particular type of new intelligence that negates any significance of an IQ test. For people like Rochelle, their brains work much more like a supercomputer, able to process information and make calculations at an astoundingly fast rate. This makes her a walking encyclopedia and calculator. Like a chess computer she is able to strategise cause and effect to the nth degree and is also a superb martial artist. Her weakness lies in her contempt of other people, the smartest of whom still seem like morons to her. Also, like all computers, her brain has the tendency to "crash" when overloaded with conflicting data. She meditates rather than sleeps as she acknowledges the need to access inner abstract dimensions of her mind not just outer concrete concepts. Official status: Probationary Super Agent Ranking 1 [cadet - no access to law enforcement investigations; limited and supervised access to emergency response operations]. Points of interest: Has disregarded her parents desires that she use her intellect to make squillions of dollars through scientific research and development. Has chosen instead a more austere path in keeping with buddhist traditions and a desire to help the world by vanquishing evil and hatred. [top] |
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Sioni Ortanga Sioni is a first year cadet at Magellan Justice Academy. Abilities: g-n+ (born genetetically enhanced); mass manipulator - meaning he can alter the mass of an object, including himself. At the moment it is easier for him to decrease mass which also gives him the ability to float-fly. The larger the object he is trying to effect, the harder it is for him to significantly alter its mass. The shift in mass is only in effect for as long as he maintains concentration and there is no 'residual' margin of error. He has been prohibited by the Academy from floating mass reduced objects directly above himself or others - in case they suddenly regain full mass and crush anyone beneath them. This restriction is in place until Sioni can perfect control of his ability - although this hasn't stopped him from bending the rules "a little" in order to impress others. Official status: Probationary Super Agent Ranking 1 [cadet - no access to law enforcement investigations; limited and supervised access to emergency response operations]. Points of interest: Sioni is a bit of a jokester and loves pulling pranks. [top] |
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Fatima Hussein Fatima is a first year cadet at Magellan Justice Academy. Abilities: Non-Sapien Terran (PherNian/cephelamaid); compared to her own people, Fatima has no abilities to speak of - however - compared to terrans she is considerably stronger, can breathe underwater and can swim at high speeds to great depths. She can telecommunicate telepathically as well as vocally. She has disobeyed a direct ruling from her Queen to become a cadet at Magellan - and her acceptance at the Academy has strained relations with the underwater queendom. It is anticipated by the Academic Council that this can be resolved to the benefit of all involved - allowing Fatima the opportunity to ultimately serve as a diplomatic liason between the dry and acquatic worlds. Fatima's tentacles have a vice like grip and considerable strength allowing her to move over land with agility and ease. Strong wind and sun can dehydrate her. Severed tentacles will regrow within two months. Official status: Probationary Super Agent Ranking 1 [cadet - no access to law enforcement investigations; limited and supervised access to emergency response operations]. Points of interest: PherNos is an ancient underwater quuendom several hundred kilometers south west of Yemen. PherNians are the result of occult experiments conducted by the Mer of Atlantis some two thousand years ago - blending Arabian sailors with cephelapods (that's octopi, m'kay?). The Mer - half human/half fish had sought to use the PherNians as slaves - an objective that was succesful for several centuries until the PherNians revolted, gained independance almost destroying the underwater Atlantean civilation in the process.PherNians have remained suspicious of surface dwellers and have kept the presence of PherNos well concealed until a renewed Altantean threat forced them to seek recognition from the UN. Fatima's parents were killed in the hosilities with Atlantis before Force Magellan could negotiate a truce. PherNians can breath on land and underwater. They are also considerably more mobile than the Mer as their eight tentacles can support their weight (and then some). [top] |
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